Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: ITG - panic buying

Joel did respond to another individual regarding POET and his article, here it is.

There's a difference between looking for things that are likely to succeed and serving as a PR mouthpiece for companies looking to make a name for themselves.

I am glad Poet and many other companies are doing research. I am glad they continue to work on finding solutions to difficult problems. But when 3-5 people show up in a forum thread to play evangelical chorus for a given technology, that puts my radar up.

I read Poet's technological ideas and press deck. It's mildly interesting. It'll be a lot more interesting if one of two things happens.

1). They're acquired by a major vendor who announces a plan to deploy their technology in logic or memory semiconductors.

2). They figure out how to scale it below 40nm.

Until those two things happen, Poet is a cool idea with some specialized applications. And there's nothing *wrong* with that. But it's not the fundamental new driver of semiconductor utility.

No one will ever return to building chips on 90nm for consumer electronics, HPC, or mobile phones. Until they solve that bottleneck, it's of limited interest to a consumer market.

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