Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 28 APRIL 2014

The 28th of April 2014 will be an auspicious day in POET’s history. Management has chosen such a high profile venue as the Empire Club Toronto for Dr Taylors presentation, because it is the time it has chosen for the world at large to begin to understand the significance of Dr Taylor’s endeavours of the last 20 years and its potential to the world of computing. This is to be the shock and awe moment.

We on this board are all are aware that it is not easy for the layman to digest at one sitting just what the POET process comprises of and how it constitutes ‘ground-breaking technology’. Dr Taylor will I’m sure be at his best and I wish him every success. But apart from the revelations that the amazing Dr Taylor has to offer, I am sure that this occasion will be the moment that the Company chooses to make a significant announcement. I stick to my earlier prediction that a PDA will be unveiled and the achievement of MS 8 (100 nm) will be announced.

On the 28th of April 1770 another part of the World was revealed when Captain James Cook sailed The Endeavour into Botany Bay and claimed Australia for the British Empire. It was called Botany Bay because of the uniqueness of the flora and fauna never seen before by Europeans and the new botanical information it provided. I am fascinated to know what will be revealed of the unique world discovered by Dr Geoffrey Taylor 244 years later.


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