This would be the dumbest idea ever and the fact that it's gaining traction is alarming. This is right up there with lets question management and make our own private shareholders rights plan and follow like sheep into another dumb idea.
You want to put our shares up for sale in the form of a wall to depress the share price to try and beat the traders (who have millions upon millions at their disposal to play these games), at their own game? Am I actually reading this correctly?
You want to put your shares and have people follow suit so that someone can swoop in and buy them in one go leaving you with none. Games are games and they will be played whether we're in the 2's or the 1's. Why would you want this trading low? If you do want a buyout you want the SP as high as possible to ensure you get the maximum value. You don't want to depress the SP lower and lower while the games are still played.
This is obvious bashing and an attempt to get the uneducated (on this topic) to follow suit and depress the shareprice.