Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Smedley on BNN

"Trying not to be argumentitive but I doubt the company would allow itself to be taken over in a hostile manner...ever. AC has been through that and will not allow it to happen again IMO."

With all due respect, by definition a 'hostile' takeover would be an offer that is not approved by the company. The extent to which the company could defend against such a play by a burly Apple/Google/Samsung/etc. type is negligible, and we currently have no plan for such an event. Also, AC has been down that road before and it wasn't a happy ending.

Repeatedly trying to explain myself makes it sound like I think about hostile takeovers more than I really do. This is not something I am worried about. I simply made the statement as a possible explanation for why POET isn't being shouted from the rooftops at the moment. When POET is being mass produced for a paying customer I think our 'year of recognition' will begin.

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