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Message: Air Force considers developing advanced staring infrared search

BAE Systems to develop advanced digital focal plane array detectors for missile defense

June 23, 2014

"MDA officials are asking BAE Systems to design digital focal plane arrays with a combination of high resolution, high frame rate and advanced digital processing power."

"BAE Systems has options to design n updated read-out integrated circuit, capitalizing on developments of this program, and qualifying digital focal plane arrays to the MDA’s High Altitude Exoatmospheric Nuclear Survivability Standard."

March 17, 2014

Army work involving III-V infrared focal plane array based sensors includes III-V superlattice large format, small pixel midwave infrared (MWIR), long-wave infrared (LWIR), very-long-wave infrared (VLWIR), and dual-band (MW/LW, LW/LW, and short wavelength [SW]/LW) detector arrays.

(for anyone that doesnt know III-V is referring to the table of elements, group III and group V - Gallium Arsenide is a III-V Semiconductor.)

One thing we know 100% about, all new technology is first tested in the military

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