... mods may also have responsibilities outside the forum (e.g., day jobs), and aren't necessarily given to being uncompensated babysitters to the endless cluck-cluck-clucking.
I myself don't tend to contribute if there's nothing _new_ to contribute, and I'm not about to fuel hand-wringing or a sense of discord by feeding into it.
sorry if that's harsh, but I have a distinct feeling -- to Sula's point earlier in the week -- that's the kind of tiresome noise that has driven valuable contributors such as oogee to choose to take a break.
will Agora lose the differentiation of quality it has (had?) over SH?
that's in large part up to you, individually.
that things haven't so wastefully disintegrated* that I've had to take out my mod-scythe and mow out more of the chaff perhaps means that yes, the other mods have indeed been trying to do their part to keep things in ... moderation. (surprise!)
for now, until I have something to contribute, I'll be watching from the corner of the bar, sharpening my scythe.
* aside -- if the Jack Merridews here decide to go after Piggy, Ralph, et al, I'm uncertain as to whether I'll sit just back and watch things collapse upon themselves, or not. Should mods be Simon, or did they all join the Navy?