"To me that should certainly have our share price far ahead of what it was 4 or 5 months ago when we were trading at twice that value and in much weaker position. It's very difficult to understand how even shorts can work the price down so low."
Turr, to me, it seems that very hopeful longs pushed the price to Terafly's oft repeated $2.87.
Being ignorant of the tech, the current share price is the one big disconnect I see, especially when I read the fine, well-researched posts regarding the rosy future of POET. I think the "stealth" theory is an attempt to bridge the gap all of us see. However, if POET were indeed stealthing about, which they well may be, where is the buying activity from those connected with the stealth collaborators; I know word spreads, irrespective of NDAs or otherwise, it spreads. The lack of spark in the share price remains a concern, and suggests to me that from where we are to where we want to go, is not just a hop, skip and jump. Very unscientific, I know, but drawing on many, many years of experience in the markets, most definitely including the Venture.