Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Lots of chatter
The challenge to have the same kind of discussions as you note on that other board, is that one would need to have much less exposure to all of the NRs and dd done here and the years of hearing those very arguments. How many on that board followed this company since instituting the milestones (or before)? How many have connected dots logically to suggest that a player like Ajit would come on board and risk his reputation on a crap shoot? How many do not read that the head of intel himself said they lost their way? Is this a slam dunk? Of course not. There is much promise here. Many risks ahead. Alternatives will show their heads. I believe that Poet will in the least, be a competitive product to anything available in the next 2 years. Will it blow the doors off everyone 3,4,5 years and make us all millioners? I don't know. Tech takes such long time to get off the ground and for every success there are hundreds of "also rans". Did we stumble across the former of latter? Time will tell. That is the main reason why I don't throw my two cents in here too often any more. What will be, will be. Theories and conjecture may settle the mind somewhat but having passionate arguments really are fruitless and a waste of energy. I believe we have a rare opportunity here that, if the stars sparkle just right and Jupiter aligns with Uranus (insert I mean joke here) and the company's team can navigate the treacherous, shark infested waters in a sound ship capable of getting all aboard to the promised land (not Transcona!), we may actually realize a very rare event. The arrival of the next tech breakthrough. I've owned shares here when it was OPL. There have been some pretty low times after seeing flashes of "ok here is where we go parabolic". Only to be where we are today. This and all of the DD here has toughened my skin and tempered my expectations so I can sleep at night and not blow a gasket if it drop 30 cents in a week or run naked through the streets when it jumps 50 cents. I do that for completely different reasons that are personal. But I digress. As a very savy a-hole once said, "A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." As I've said before. Buckle up and relax. This will be a long road. Like driving through Saskatchewan to visit the aunt that smells funny. If all goes well, by September 2016 (my timeline) products will be in the market and I can make significant changes in my work life and treat my family to some fancier holidays and buy a few toys. Patience is needed and faith in those who are working like mad to get this bird off the ground. All I can do is wait and see. I believe it will work out. If not, just keep on keep'n on. Good night all. Derekwpg
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