Rick says: "If you recall I was seriously pi$$sed last fall when they did the pp. These VSE companies ALWAYS sell paper to flippers. They refuset o include long term holders but bend over to let these types in. In any business you do not expose yourself to a very few customers as it is a recipe for disaster."
100% agree with you Rick. As people were rejoicing on this board about Shelly taking a big chunk of the PP last winter, getting one of his own on the board (Mr. Patricio), and more recently, himself on the board of directors I tried to warn people that this was not a postive development, but I received the typical resistance to my concerns and denial that this could ever back fire. I was disappointed that it was only Sheldon taking big chunks of each of the PPs as I was afraid of this scenario.
Here were my comments regarding this in Jan/Feb of this year:
" It can only mean trouble down the road. Look what Sheldon did to us in 2011. If he is unpleased with something, we can all quickly be thrown under the bus by his actions."
"Thats a good chunk of the PP and my concerns are turning out to be true, but they are only something to keep in mind for now. Sheldon having so many shares is not good for us, knowing what he did to this stock last time when things didn't go as planned. Lets just hope everything goes as planned. I really wished he wasn't involved, and I got attacked for suggesting he was when I said it was spelled out in the news release by also having Sheldon get one of his own on the BOD for more control and influence."
" No, we were all much better off before this morning's news for several reasons. If you don't see it, you'll learn the hard way."