Well commented, Johny!
Take a look at all the reports about graphene chips - still miles away from application and production, no optic features, but the expectations are so high, and they do PR to attract the audience - and the shareholders.
Take a look at:
And POET? It is not about that POET can not show a working chip. I am sure in 100nm they already could show plenty of things. It can be produced - now! I would love to see similar PR from our AM!
It seems somehow POET is still waiting to pull the trigger. Yes, this silence is a request form 3rd party foundry (GF) or one of their customers. But for how long?
I hope POET takes care not to wait too long. If e.g. Appel asked them to wait until release of iPhone 7 - I hoppe they said "no". We do not want to die in NDA-silence!
I do not sell, so I do not get burned. But such a fire sale like the last weeks can have real negative effects in long term. A SP diving to 25% of its max. value can harm credibility and reputation of a company. Look at this market cap!!! It still drives me totally crazy. :-o
But OK, long and strong waiting for a Christmas present. Or better - earlier.
In Germany Santa comes in the 6th of December :-)