Dear Eilean,
I love your material and analysis and go along with the idea that some here lack the temperament to cope with the volatility of the TSXV. However, your comment re not hearing the ladies here complain misses the point that there is here a hidden army of ladies here, our lovely wives, who monitor our every move and the wagging finger of better judgement is never far away.
Frankly., I think I am very ballsy to go up against the better judgement of my mhemsahib who has a much more intuitive approach to the risk I face with the family fortune.
But I must say that it really does sooth her when I tell her that there's this amazing lady with the right professional knowledge and experience in the IT arena that thinks I am well on course to provide a legacy of eye watering proportions to our family.
So many thanks for that but how about stopping being a Violet Elizabeth and bringing teddy back to the party so that I may have more good quotes to placate my better half with.
Your views are needed paticularly as there seems to be every chance that the much awaited marketing initiative was launched this week .
With warm regards,