Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A plan....we need a plan ?!?

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!"

Some conversation on news flow in the last few days. We all expected something before years end. For a variety of reasons, we had expected something, maybe an update or something more meaty. I am here to tell you that in the technology industry, the terms hard and fast, are qualified (internally) by the terms rough and dirrty, and not until the absolute drop dead date will you find out. Security is the hallmark, deception the soldier of fortune, and truth, the prisoner of war-Eileen.

However, and on the other hand, the more I thought of it, the more pertinent I felt it would be to (if they could do so) to leave a concerted, planned and deliberate news flow until the calender provided an uninterupted duration. A clear, clean horizon in which the company could paint its own brilliant sunrise. A quiet, solemn, and undisturbed landscape on which to launch from. A fresh, clean new year, in which hopes start high and dreams are dreamed big.

Ok so enough of the superlatives, let us get back to business. Relative questions .......Whats the plan here ? When do we start ? How do we start ? Where do we start ? Do we even require a plan here ?

Probably an intelligent thought would be to begin with a look at the product(s) the manpower, the machinery, the mechanisms. Herein lies some thought provoking commentary.

We know the product and its potential, the potential usages, the potential market, values etc etc. We also know the company won't really have to actively market it beyond the first year or two, excepting new related variations of the product as it exists or new products brought forth from version one ? lets say ? .....yes/no ?.

So what are they doing ? this moment.....say. Well we know or have been informed of AM's work to date, and his office in the valley. I have no doubt that behind the scenes and for some time in fact, that there has been a real and concerted marketing effort by the company ongoing. This is not to say, glossy brochures full of fine pictures and floral promises. No, this would be an internal program available to those companies under strict NDA's, representitives of companies interested in what kind of potentiate product and future PTK has to offer and limited to as much as only the company wanted to tease them with. (You think your having a hard time controlling your excitement-imagine that guy or girl on the inside) So basically the product is selling itself. My guess is AM's role is to bring in the new blood, fatten them up, then under rigorous NDA, show them the black light circus that is coming to paint the world.

No way Jose, not a chance Lance......this will be all kept tightly under wraps. Probably the bulk of it, permanently so. Where we see the fruits of our labours, will be on the boxes of product, in the public consumptive news releases for all eyes, the promotional programs of the end user and the ultimate manufacturer....GF ? The actual science, the nuts and bolts of the deal(s), the specifics are for "eyes" only.

Now this does not bother me. I know that once its shiny side is revealed to the world, it won't make a hill of beans difference to anyone about the nuts and bolts behind the scenes. Once the first few quarterlies start to show large and widening quarter over quarter cash flow numbers, that news in itself will be a largely promoteable event horizon. As will a new CEO and further milestones earlier on the marketing development time line.

The machinery, vast and varied will lie in the hands of the end manufacturers. Billions already spent on advertising other product, will be refocused and re-exalted to features and benefits a POET product would provide. Campaigns will (as always) be designed to provoke the emotional center of our being, what the product can do for us and our lives. Print, radio, tv and social media will be abuzz with "once a week" charging possibilities, as an example. I picture a round table, a group of people, all holding aces high in their hands and smiling as a Cheshire cat would at the prospect of having to plan business history ? All with input on how and who will be targeted first. By the way its my honest belief that this component of the program has been underway for some months. An interesting tidbit some of you may or may not know. In the business of technology, there are internal and external scouts/runners used. These usually are summer students or internists and are responsaible for everything from fact checking to media watch and due dilligence on new technologies.Their findings are then presented to mid level then senior management as designated "projects or companies to watch".

Its my opinion that PTK has been on a few of these lists (maybe much more than a few) for some time. President, CEOS, VP's of product development to name 3, are more than aware of PTK already. With this early research and knowledge, you can bet they are already involved. Again, my experience says much of the groundwork this company has been laying is or may be substantially ahead of posted schedules. For good reason.

What comes first ? the CEO or the milestone ?, the revenue announcement or the partnerships ? the foundry partner or the surpise ? As mentioned above, lets leave the products features and benefits to those marketing titans out there that can move an elephant through a China shop. Lets focus instead on the coming series of releases that directly can and will affect the share price. High enough (more than, I expect) to get to the coveted exposure of a NASDAQ listing with relative ease.

What order will they come in ?, what content will they contain ?, what specifics will they contain ? will they be voracious enough to light a fire, lift the rocket ?

Does a Google, Apple, Samsung. IBM, Microsoft, or an individual like a Buffett, Ellison, Gates etc take a stake ? Same with a Synopsys, a GF or other. Is there a large premium to be paid be someone wanting exclusivity ? Is that in itself enough to become another selling or marketing feature ?

All good questions we await answers to.

Heres how I would do it....

I say start with a name.......someone of credibility and durability.

Then a milestone or two....ground breaking and game changing.

Then a partner or two.....a big name or two who realize the value of a stakehold.

Then a foundry class, yen for number one, a true partner.

Not necessarily in that order.

Keep them in sustained, about 10 day to two week intervals, get them into global circulation, on social media etc. Into mainstream media as soon as possible. Get them exposure every way humanly possible. Do that and $5 will be surpassed.......greatly surpassed and on to a date with history....down a short and newly forged road.

Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours in 2015

Dec 20, 2014 05:10PM
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