You two have your problems, I have mine; my wife and I walked out of the Kings-Preds game with 4 minutes left (it's LA, people!), Kings down 6-3, and not even threatening much in the previous 3 minutes; they tie it with 3 goals in the last 2 minutes, but at least have the decency to lose in OT - already felt stupid enough!
Most people are pretty set in stone on their beliefs re POET, so not too much sense arguing points mano a mano for too long. Things just get very personal and then downright nasty, and the non-participants generally have a pretty good idea of where they stand after about 2 salvos. But I understand it is difficult to hold back sometimes, it's a very emotional investment, very, very personal, especially for FJ who spends a huge amount of time on POET, and I hope we're all in a position to agree at the end of the day that it was time very well spent.
It can be a bit uncomfortable for the rest of us, not as bad as if it were at a dinner party, but you get the picture.
FJ, for my part, there are things that tg and others post which are merely conjecture, just because "I believe" isn't part of the sentence, it's clear enough what is intended. It's not as if someone wrongly reported that Geoff Taylor just got arrested for fondling a thyristor (but look for that from the shorts if our share price continues to rally).
FJ, you're supremely confident about POET. Some of us feel that the minute we go "all in" emotionally with POET, something very bad will happen. I'm not saying tg is that type, but he may be, like many others who have been burned a few times by companies along the way. It's like oil and water. Both are sincere points of view, but they come from very different circumstances, but I don't think either point of view should be derided, but understood for what they are - points of view.
Good luck, guys!