Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

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CEO Search

Like - It would seem from Ajit's statement that CEO candidates have already been shortlisted with an announcement imminent: "Several high quality candidates are being considered. We hope in the near term to identify POET's permanent CEO....."

Like - It also seems that discussions with partners are progressing as Ajit goes on the say that the new CEO "will continue the process technology development and help (PTK) close key industry partnership deals"

Dislike - The above statements reaffirm my previous belief that a new CEO will be announced prior to milestone/deals being revealed. While mentioned in the NEWS release that their intention is the bolster shareholder value, unfortunately some of that value will be given up via warrants/options offered to our new leader at bargain prices!!!


Like - While 40nm has yet to be achieved and the milestone is now moved to Q1'15, the NEWS release tells me that it WILL be achieved FOR SURE this quarter. The delay seems to be caused by the fact that further improvements ("latest innovations") and tweaks wished to be made prior to stating completion

Like - PTK continues to refer to tweaks being linked to customer demands. The evolution of milestones was as a consequence of a customer push rather PTK needing to pull. This to me signifies that once milestones are achieved, NEWS pertaining to deals will come with vigor

Dislike - The above does not refute that milestones have once again been delayed. This to me is very frustrating. Moreover, stating that 40nm is now expected sometime in Q1'15 rather than in the coming weeks leaves much room for interpretation; too much room for those wishing to toy with the share price. My hope is that this blanket statement is simply to remain conservative.

Financial Position

Like - 12.5M in the bank! (with the potential for ~7.5M incoming by mid-Feb)

Dislike - To me, I read beginning with one's financial position as a buffer statement to the fact that milestones haven’t been achieved. Moreover, while I do not believe that this will be necessary whatsoever, there was no denial that further financings may be necessary.

Going forward, my hope is that a new CEO is announced sooner than later. This should open the door for further NEWS releases. My additional hope is that milestones and deals are announced earlier on in the quarter minimizing the shorts opportunity to toy with the share price. We are close but never close enough for my liking. While I did expect a NEWS release within the first two weeks of 2015, this was not exactly what I hoped for. Let's see what the next few weeks brings us.


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