jackthebear wrote: Smtty your right they are most likely dealing with lawyers from a number of different companies who are at this moment looking to sign deals with PTK and they can't get the wording to everyone's satisfaction and if it takes an extra couple of days or weeks or maybe even months they couldn't have seen that ahead of time because this is there first go at it and they are novices in this arena and we should cut them some slack.
Jack, a lot of us are at the train station, we're all waiting patiently because we hear the whistle in the distance as it approaches. The seasoned travellers are in the back avoiding the calamity like a Boxing Day sale door crasher event, where the sound of impatient children are having melt downs, stamping their feet & gnashing teeth can be heard over the sound of the magnificent train!
Jack you should spend some time reading many insightful posts earlier to you joining December 2014. There's more than enough information about the need for secracy, NDA's etc.etc. Creating Forum Polls don't mean nothing just as much as Forum members Opinions in regards to what POET management is doing and WILL announce when they are ready.. Nobody cares about anything UNLESS it has to do with the "Writing on the Wall". Yes, any type of news that connects the dots.....leaf67 only listed 2 members of he POET staff, the list and credentials of POET management is far from Novice.