cant do anything about it ?? "We the People" right. Inform your politicians about the scams these HTFs are running for they are destroying the markets. More and more people I talk to have had enough , they are leaving in droves . Speak up !!Since jan1 2014 until now ptk has traded just short of 350 million shares and these scammers / bankers have removed 10's of millions of $$ out of your and my pocket on ptk alone. Individually we can't do anything about it but together we can. I'm not worried about the technology PTK has for I know it will be thought after by many but these swings perpetrated by the gangsters put doubt into border line believers . One more thing I should mention . the day traders here have learned well I often wonder when PTK does 500,000 shares of trades-how much of that is real buying. I venture to guess 10% is high . Can't give any news on ptk as what I know has been hashed and rehashed here many times !! Long and strong PTK and have been for many years