POET now has two 15 second ads. Looking at their Web Page the "2x" stands out on top of the original 15 second which starts out "1 company is changing the the very foundation of electronics".
I'm starting to see a pattern here! The use of "numbers". Maybe there will be more ads?
Countdown 3 could be: "analogue digital and optical on one chip".
Countdown 4 could be: "now you can battle the 4 remaining Titans" (remaining foundries capable of - 14nm TSMC, Global Foundaries, Intel Samsung)
Countdown 5 could be:
One thing is for sure, you can always always tell a person is lying if they can not recall their testimony correctly in reverse order of events. I like the story POET is telling, upwards, backwards and sideways, never a dull moment! Giving the world something to talk about.