Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Marching along

Dear friends,

I have rather avoided posting here over the last weeks in the firm belief that there is little to say here, given that everything is lined up for an announcement, or a series of announcements, which will lead POET to a NASDAQ listing. I have every confidence that a process is now under way, a count-down, which will lead us to a moment of rejoicing. There is nothing that is said or can be said here that will alter that process. We must have faith in the excellent DD here that has brought us all to the same conclusion, that the probability of POET being a winner is high – which is why we are all still invested.

The bickering here is just simply a sign of human frailty that’s akin to waiting to going over the top. It is a social psychological experience that many have gone through before us and have survived. The twitchy symptoms displayed here are quite normal. We have all put a vast amount of emotional energy into POET and our hopes and fears now appear to be on the line; not to forget our financial resources as well. No dear friends this is not a time for angst this is a time to be calm and to maintain cool heads.

Consider the enormous amount of work that is being undertaken on our behalf by our Management, as has been eloquently pointed out by Eileen already, who appears to have more balls than most by being bravely positive in these circumstances, by putting her reputation on the line in her 100 day statement. Consider too the technical achievements of GT and his team, some of them spectacular, who as we speak are applying for new patents. Consider also, all that has been written here. The DD unearthed that is and remains positive. Surely, in the light of all these considerations it seems to me to be rather petty and extreme to comment on matters that raise any concerns about PC's authenticity simply on the basis of whether he was around at 17 or 19 cents or indeed the degree to which AM’s rolodex has been in action or not; who could possibly know! All this is symtomatic of Angst. There is a danger, which is of growing that angst to an extent that could damage POET’s progress to the NASDAQ, if viewed negatively by visitors who drop in on this board. It must be stop

My Regiment, The Royal Welch, is amalgam of old Welsh Infantry Regiments whose forebears include the 24th of Foot, the South Wales Borderers (2nd Warwicks) whose B Company (150 men) faced the 4000 Zulus at Rorkes Drift in South Africa in which 11 Victoria Crosses were awarded on that one terrible day. DNWL and I visited the battle fields in 2008. Many of you will remember the film Zulu, based on the Rorkes Drift action. The film has a moment, my favourite, but first bear in mind that other Zulu Impees had just wiped out the remainder of their Battalion of 1000 men at Isandlwana earlier in the day and how B Comapany felt waiting for the arrival of theZulus The moment inquestion occurs on the first appearance of four thousands of Zulus over a ridge, a young fearful, quivering soldier turns to his Colour Sergeant patrolling behind the defensive wall of Melee bags and says;

‘Why us Sergeant, Why us?’

The emaculate Colour Sergeant calmly replies;

‘cause we’re here lad, cause we’re here’

My dear Agoracom friends; ‘we are here lads, we are here’. Keep calm, there’s good people.

with regards,


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