rk> Reduction of manufacturing costs with POET should be really extreme.
wow, that's an understatement if I've ever seen one!
everybody harps that III-V raw materials are more expensive than silicon, but it's not by much in the end (about 60-70 cents per chip).
the real savings are in package assembly costs*, where Geoff's methods shine and would save $20-$30 each versus current -- shaved right off of CoGS for the manufacturer.
serious, serious savings are there.
and that's before you even have the discussion about P[O]ET's inherent plusses across so many characteristics -- environmental (e.g., Rayleigh scattering), speed/performance, or electric/power advantages.
tl;dr ---> it's just plain cheaper to put the darned thing together in the first place.
* -- simple cost example based on common 1310 or 1550nm QSFPs or QCLs (quantum cascade lasers) for telecommunications or spectroscopy applications.