Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: re: BNN

jr> ... interesting to see if he ask the right questions

no kidding!

first time (last August), Smedley's kick at the can was ... uhm ... erm ... a bit embarrassing . his early understanding of what PTK was about essentially boiled down to "having a galuminium arsenic substance" [that lets it] "have visual and sound and all those wonderful things in one!"

here's BobMc's Nov10'th run, pretty solid.

in early Jan, BobMc (again) was not too bad (start @1:45 in).

I don't recall if this was before or after FJ's seminar to bring him up to speed?

then, horror show Jerome nuked it from orbit [Feb10] by harping about PNP, at 2 minutes in (perhaps talking his book, dunno).

I really hope Mike gets it right.

the first challenging spot (Smedley's) was also with Mike Hainsworth hosting (same host as the upcoming April spot).

since he stayed upbeat then, there's some confidence that he'll quarterback the CEO interview well.

as follow-up, taking a "state of Canadian-R&D" avenue (a la Adam) might be a very useful one in widening the discussion to a broader audience. re-iterating from yesterday, @Peter: "make Adam proud (you'll be glad you did).



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