Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The Kings Speech

In view of the high degree of angst over the seemingly singular involvement of Apple, their predatory history, and my ridiculous "projections", lets have an in depth look.

Its my belief, as has been mentioned here, that a bidding war will or could ensue. It is also my belief it will culminate with no clear winner, and with a final governmental intervention rendering a syndicate or consortium of licensees with PTK as the controlling parent.


The process will initially start, with a low ball bid. During the period that the company will assess the bid and render it for voting, another competing bid at a higher level will appear. This will cause 2 key happenings, one being greater exposure to the company and its potential, ensure an "A" list of potential US/Global investors to come aboard. As well as driving the price higher. Within another week to ten business days, a third and possibly a fourth bid will come to the fray. Forcing original bidders to either match or exceed. This will or could go on for quite some time, before even the first vote is held. At the very top pf the process, complexities will increase including share/cash offers, access to market guarantees, funding, access to bidders technologies as well. Anything to sweeten the pot. If nothing beneficial to all parties can be announced, then you can expect eventually a government led initiative will enter the fray. Most likely by this point, accusations will fly, lawsuits threatened etc, so as to avoid these issues, expect intervention.


The control of this technology will be at the forefront of the bidding process at all times. Its been said that Apple, for example, already has a $700 billion market cap and rumours internally have it that Mr. Cooks legacy will be to bring it to the worlds first trillion dollar market cap.

Its been discussed many times how POET is not your average billion dollar technology. We all know its potentiate capabilities, so if we know....THEY know more. That being said, the descriptor of "disruptive" has or will be supplanted by "destructive" for those who can't get a piece of it. So even if thewre is a winner in the bidding war, they will be required by sub clause government assertions that it be shared appropriately !

A bidding war will ensue for several important reasons. The first of which is the fact that the KING (Apple) will not want to lose its CROWN, the PRINCES, will want the crown, or at least a piece of it, the court will at least want a shot at some part of it.

Second, the companies we consider to be the 10 most relevant competitors to Apple (Samsung, HTC, RIMM, NOK, SNE, DELL, HP, MSFT, INTC, GOOG) represent nearly $1 trillion in market cap today. We believe 20% of that value, or ~$200 billion could shift to Apple through 2014. Thus there is potential for Apple to repeat history and add another $400 billion to its market cap. At a $1,000 share price (roughly $1 trillion in market cap) Apple would represent 26% of the total US tech market cap from 17% today.

Now your one of these particular 10 that want their market share back and especially want to build from there or even supplant the KING. How are you going to do this ? Thrown into the mix now, is a disruptive new technology that is all encompassing and the certain death knell to all things Silicon. Your going to have to have it or at least a guaranteed piece of it to ensure survival at minimum. Then your R and D people have to create compelling products with it to climb back up the mountain. To not have it is a slide into the abyss.


Its already started behind the scenes, it moved into public domain with two teaser ads, and I fully expect one more or so. The fact that we are now almost past Easter and into the suggested period of high developments that has more than aptly been cemented into our psyche by the appearance on the Canadian BNN network by PC et al. One doe snot do national TV at prime market time to espouse maybes and sort ofs, in fact expect a NR or two before hand. Expect PC or et al to have some very serious developments to discuss. In addition to this appearance, an AGM and an ascension to the greatest stage in the world. Followed no doubt with further defined and mercurial developments.

ALL IN THE MIDST OF A POTENTIAL BIDDING WAR. The world and investment world therein, may well be "slobber knockered" by all of the goings on, the wrestling for control, the qualities of the POET product being brought forward.


Its clear to me, and many select others that we are entering a watershed moment in the companies history, business history and the technology timeline. The dollars at stake, reputations (read ego) and the absolute operational future for some or many, all culminate here in a perfect storm of sorts. So the $5-$7 fiasco, will if it happens, will backfire in a most colossal way. Heaving the doors open to a veritable torrent of desperately interested parties. Making business history in the process. Whatsapp may have received a record buyout figure. Certainly, the wannabe KING or the current one, shall be shuffling out a lot more cash than that to control the worlds Oyster.



The use of econometric models to forecast the future performance of a company, country, or other financial entity using historical and current information.

Enough said on that, quite simply if you don't agree, I have no issue with that. If your not happy, then please feel free to state your own projections, or your opinion with back up factors, rather than whats so apparently easy as to hit a slow moving target with subtle bashing. I think in Las Vegas they call that "putting your money where your mouth is", I have done so.

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