Contemplating how one might be really useful to.this board by fathoming out the time confusion created by the last NR. Clearly this was going to require a deep review of a several documents, with pen and notebook at hand, the prospect of such focused work pressed all my numerous lazy buttons. Thank God one of us has a time machine on this board, the good Doctor would be proud of your work, this makes you a Time Lord.
The lab at Storr passes work made in its lab to the BAE engineers collaborating to refine the industrial side of the operation. Given the problems PIC literally had to buy time to extend this collaboration and keep the show moving forward. I don't believefor a minute that technicians have been sitting around idly during this time and much good work will have been achieved. The lab recovered well from a natural disaster and we should have every reason to believe that it can recover quickly from a man made glitch.
One aspect of this that I cannot get a handle on is the importance of the ring oscillator (RO). Conscious that I am displaying my ignorance, can someone explain how, if the RO was specified by our billion dollar customer, clearly it's important work, but is it essential work to PET? It seems to me if it's an addition to the POET toolset rather than essential to PET. Can anyone educate me?
Great work Green!