Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Getting "it"....

I wonder how many of the "investors" in this company really get it. I don't mean all the due diligence of a world class nature completed and placed on the board for everyone to benefit from. I mean really get it.

Before you castigate me with a rain fall of diatribe. I have been here close to four years as have many others. I chose not to post because there was not much to post about.

With the AM signing and the developments being clandestinely discussed within my industry, I chose to come forward and "get involved". Its come to the point where not many seem to GET the POINT. They would rather huff and puff about poor little me, I am not quite a billionaire as yet or as early as I had planned. Last I checked no one broke your arm to buy the stock, nor to hold it. ...and before you get on me about being wealthy or not requiring the money for uses of all manner. Your DEAD WRONG...YES I do well...YES I have lots of stock in PTK....YES I want success and sooner rather than later ! YES I have extreme patience...........thats just from reading Buffett books..........NO I AM NOT WEALTHY...but you will bend that however you like won't you ?

So if your easily angered...please don't read past here.........This will be the first time I write something like this and hopefully the last....If you need to flag it for removal, then be my guest..........Put on your mental shoes and lets amble....shall we...?

Mental Shoes.....

So I am a group of 3-4 seasoned industry executives who by some hard work, some luck and good fortune and a Nobel quality scientist have come up with a saviour to a TRILLION dollar industry.....history making...and enrichment possibilities beyond comprehension. I have to have a plan, one that has no loopholes for stealth theft of IP, one that maximizes monetization, one that gets me to the global stage, one that has all comers signing off for the keys to test the car.

In my plan, do I have a clause that says I must keep the shareholders happy by saying everything THEY want to hear? do what they say and nothing less. Emphatically NO, same thing if I had the power to turn an internal combustion engine into a water powered device, I would hold ALL the CARDS close to my vest and reveal what I had to and when I had to ONLY. Would I care what YOU, or YOU or YOU thought ? NO ! Thats nothing personal, mainly its because ours and our butts alone are in charge of this paradigm shift, saving a TRILLION dollar industry. YES you out up money, butbthats where it ends. I would be the mantle carrier and therefore the decision maker (or one of) based on my experience in the industry that PUT ME THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Wait though ! We need to put better effort into timing, content and placement of our news releases.

Uh wait though....we can't do that. We can only do what bare bones information is required to not violate the PLAN, or the multitudinous NDA's ovehanging them. We have to carefully plan here. We have layer on layer of facts to be verified and checked under those NDA's. We ave multiple layers of confidentiality for milestones, requested milestones, monetized inquiries, valuations, negotiations, et al. So its not like your basic junior mining it ? The fruit companies representitive wanted nameless recognition for a reason. As does the search company, the car company etc, so as not to let the other get too far ahead in the space race.

So I really highly doubt we are trying to HIDE something...other than some probable explosive developments that given the correct timing, the correct permissions, the correct checking and sign offs, and the correct numbers.....will be released in time.

On those dates the stock will react accordingly. On those dates the consideration of news weighting and the eye for the workld stage will be imprinted.

So ALTHOUGH we ALL need to take a step back at one time or another, I know some won't, they would rather mire themselves in muck. Funny though....someone is selling, but someone is buying at the same time.

All the best, people, I am off for an extended break from the board.

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