It's not a big mystery as to where the numbers came from. It's written right on the form. The $0.74 CAD share price is just the average calculated based on the following formula:
From Form 13-502F1 posted on SEDAR on April 14, 2015
"Simple average of the closing price of that class or series as
of the last trading day of each month in the reference fiscal
year, computed with reference to clauses 2.7(1)(a)(ii)(A) and
(B) and subsection 2.7(2) of the Rule"
The "reference fiscal year" is listed at the top of the form and is 2011 which is why your share count matches for that year, Rob. I didn't double check the math. I don't think its important. This is just a form to calculate the amount of Participation Fee that is required to list.
The excerpt below is taken from the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) website and explains the Form 13-502F1.
This form must be used by Class 1 Reporting Issuers to determine their total capitalization which is then used to calculate the Participation Fee owing. Please refer to OSC Rule 13-502 for the definition of a Class 1 Reporting Issuer.
In other words, using this required arbitrary fee calculation formula has saved us thousands in the amount of the Participation Fee. The fee schedule is listed on the form.
Translation : No big deal.
You can exhale now. :)