It's a question you should ask Mr. Chu.
I asked him a similar question about BAE a year ago and here is what he said:
Q: Hello Mr. Chu,
Does the Poet new patents are fully owned by poet? It doesn't seems like they are in the agreement between POET and BAE.
2.9Joint Intellectual Property. BAE SYSTEMS and ODIS will each own an undivided 50% joint interest in Joint Intellectual Property, subject to any obligations ODIS may have to the University of Connecticut, which obligations shall only affect ODIS’ share of ownership therein. Each party hereunder shall ensure that its employees and agents shall promptly disclose to the other party in writing and cooperate in appropriately assigning to the other any Intellectual Property in the Field that they conceive, create, or develop during the term of the Joint Development Program which would constitute Joint Intellectual Property and/or Joint Patent Rights. Each party shall ensure that its employees and agents shall execute and be bound by confidentiality and intellectual property assignment agreements having confidentiality and intellectual property assignment terms necessary to permit each party to comply with the confidentiality and intellectual property assignment terms herein.
Thank you.
R1: Let me check. I have to see if I can disclose this. I actually don’t know the answer myself.
Christopher Chu
Taylor Rafferty
T. 212 889 4350
M. 646 647 0749
R2: Completely separate.
Christopher Chu
Taylor Rafferty
T. 212 889 4350
M. 646 647 0749