Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Milestones, no delay this time
When the reference to bridging current SI chips with the POET platform was mentioned, there was a collective gasp on the board. Most here, were proselytizing the imminent death of silicon and triumph and immediate mass adoption of GaA prior to that revelation. One only need to read the posts immediately after the NR. The reality of having to placate the fears of an industry so heavily entrenched in silicon and at the same time navigate the same minefield successfully to have a foot-in-the door is something that shows that management realized early that a delicate dance must take place. There never was going to be an immediate mass change over to GaA. As was pointed out, changing the SI industry towards GaA is like moving Everest. We have to slowly introduce ourselves and the benefits of POET and as the realities of diminishing returns and increased development costs of silicon continue, we will hold greater and greater front of mind positioning within the industry. The natural demands of the IoT require disruptive tech. We have that. As things develop and change so will the implementation of POET. Slowly at first. Low hanging fruit. Then as SI reaches its economic end point, POET and GaA tech are handed the baton and running the next leg. If PTK can execute this, it will be done in such an elegant way that the current industry realities encourage a natural transition and we will be there to solve their problems. They will come. One by one as their needs are realized. Some will spend billions delaying their adoption. But economics and GaA advancements and critical mass adoption will force them to see the futility in continuing the drive to 7nm. Why bother, POET is here. Last point. The great thing about all of the development to push SI to 7 nm is that we will utilize all of that knowledge, since we use CMOS based development tooling to get POET there eventually. The future is so bright, I gotta where shades. Good day every one. Derekwpg.
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