Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Stealth, Health, and Wealth

Hoping this finds everyone healthy. Its true it is the real wealth !

Much has been bandied back and forth between camps on the stealth business concept or stage, or even mode. Theres also a ton of opinion, examples, descriptors, and meanings of the terminology on the net (see all links below). Questions usually run from accepted duration, to rational reasoning to downright opposition to it as a business tool. Once again, if my cough syrup I invent in my kitchen turns out to cure the common cold, I want all the leg work, legal, finance, design, FDA (or any and all other enforcing authorities) approvals etc, work done in advance, in secret so Novartis or someone like that does not get wind and get working on their competitive product.

POET on the other hand, is more than just your average technological marvel. We have previously discussed its potential effects on the technology industry and world as a whole. I have personally stated I would not want to be in the current managements shoes. If for no other reason than the excitement would kill me, thereby effecting my ability to think clearly. Kudos to them. As much as I am like all the rest of you out there, and want this or that to be revealed, and now, I know its more prudent to wait and let them roll out their baby (ala the new princess) as they have no doubt meticulously planned to do. The only I mentioned last week....once the milestones requested by industry are revealed.....the dam will be broken, the water will gush, a shift will begin. That shift will be similar in scope (over time) to what POET will be doing over the next few years.

I wonder how much security there was for princess christening ?

So stealth mode is a tool used to advantage, and despised by some. Its clear has a shelf life and a specific usage. We use it here at the request of just about every contractee. Its usually while we are in possession of documentation for the project, and a 90 day window after completed sign off. Then we are restricted to unveil anything further for another set period sometimes in perpetuity. Luckily we don't require a client list for advertising. As we are known within the industry as a stealth manufacturer. Much different kettle of fish than POET though. Their stealth is due to come off very shortly I would expect, thereby possibly limiting (or rendering it a useless tool ?) any other future stealth periods in the future. Thats certainly up for debate down the road.

Below is a smattering of opinions. Most deal with tech start ups, thats noted, very few references available for stealth mode of a technology that will change the globe. Mainly because theres only one, at the moment. Nonetheless, it all gets revealed sooner than later. In our case, I feel much sooner than later.....below some links.

Remember you can't spell wealth, without stealth.


In business, stealth mode is a company's temporary state of secretiveness, usually undertaken in order to avoid alerting competitors to a pending product launch or other business initiative.[1][2] A stealth product is a product a company develops in secret, and a stealth company is a new company that avoids initial disclosure as to its existence, purpose, products, personnel, funding, brand name, or other important attributes. The term stealth innovation has been applied to individual projects and ideas that are developed in secret inside a company.[3


Does Stealth Mode Ever Make Sense?

Despite the inherent self-importance of a surreptitious go-to-market strategy, there are limited circumstances when your pre-launch startup could benefit from a low profile, in the short-term:

· When conducting primary research which entails valuable intellectual property that cannot yet be fully protected

· Prior to securing a desired URL or trademark

· When a large incumbent has signaled that it may enter your proposed market and knowledge of your involvement might prompt a preemptive announcement that could chill your ability to raise money, hire key employees, etc.

However, in each of these cases, be wary to not remain in stealth mode beyond the point at which the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.


Only reason I can think of is if there is something to lose if what startup is working on becomes public knowledge. Apple made iPod, iPhone, iPad in stealth mode. They made huge money before other providers could join the party. Creating new markets is one scenario for operating in stealth.

Obviously there is first movers advantage before market becomes commoditised.

It doesn't matter how it is perceived, you do it if it makes sense. Example is Apple's iPhone in mature phone market. People care more about what startup builds and less about how they do it.



October 17, 2013

If we’ve learned anything from the recent Sergey Brin and Anthony Weiner sex scandals, it’s that secrets are hard to keep.

What, then, are the benefits of developing a startup in secrecy, or "stealth mode," before launch?

It’s a question that has befuddled entrepreneurs for years. A while ago -- like, around the middle of last decade -- this behind-closed-doors strategy was a popular way to get a startup ready for the Big Time. Today, however, as growing numbers of young entrepreneurs rise through the ranks (and graduate from business school), everything is trending toward a more open-sourced approach.


Let me a share a few reasons why you don't need to be in stealth mode:
1.) Execution is more important than the idea
This is the easiest lesson. Your ability to create a product is far more important than your ability to think up a product. This is a hard lesson if you're not the one that will do the building, because it means that your contribution is not as valuable as you thought
Your entry into this space will cause people to follow you by virtue of who you are. Apple certainly felt this way about their iPhone. Some Venture Capital firms also prefer to keep their investments in stealth because they feel that their investment in an industry is enough to cause a flood of competitors to enter that industry. Sometimes this is true, sometimes the time is right for an idea to happen. Entrepreneurs will need to decide if their Venture Firm’s relationships will be sufficient to counter the increased difficulty in increased hiring and business development.

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