Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: IMHO

If I were at the helm of POET, and had absolutely nothing to report, I would never give investors the impression that we were in stealth mode just to keep them guessing. Truth is, one day, the reality of the period would come to light. All would know that it was a delay tactic. Credibility would be completely lost and we would have a strong case for...well...something.

If I were at the helm of POET and had absolutely nothing to report I would have given an update in early July, explaining why there are delays. I would buy more time this way and lengthen the carrot stick to the fall, if I were at the helm.

If I were at the helm of POET and things were actually coming together, I would definitely behave the way they are behaving now. Too much is at risk in this very narrow and substantial market. Too many players are making outrageous claims about being "this close" to a solution. I think this period of silence speaks volumes about the state POET is in.

There is nothing to gain otherwise by behaving in such a way. Procrastinating the release of a horrible truth gains nothing, absolutely nothing.

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