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Optical Thyristor
The OT is the backbone of the development of the POET platform. The OT is a multiple-use, four-terminal device having both optical and electrical inputs and optical and electrical outputs. Depending on application and design, an OT could be a (i) laser, (ii) an optical amplifier, (iii) a photoreceiver, or (iv) have multiple electrical operations, as detailed below. An additional anticipated aspect of the POET OT in development is a process step that allows for emission and reception of light in-plane, parallel to the chip surface. Lasers and photoreceivers may either be designed with vertical emission, or use this step to have in-plane emission. This step would allow on-chip optical interconnections and would also support a low-cost multiple-fiber attachment system that the Company has designed.
Various modifications of the basic POET epitaxial structure are being designed to support emission or reception at wavelengths of 980, 1310 or 1550 nanometeres. ODIS’s structure and fabrication also is being developed to provide detection and emission from the 3 to 20 micrometer band via the attributes of its quantum well structure.