Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Assumptions underlying $8 - Speculation Alert

So if I am reading these musings correctly, what is being assumed in the initial $4 Bln market, is that we get a 50% share and generate $2 bln in revenue. From that we are getting a +/- 12% net margin - i.e. fully taxed - to yield a $1/share earnings line. I would guess that getting to 50% of the market takes a few years.

Nonetheless, a 12% net margin may be possible with such a revolutionary and massivley cost saving product. So these assumptions are reasonable once we get started with sample products out in the field to prove out the ease of implementation and actual cost savings.

It is probable that the company will be far more highly valued in the near term based on the growth implied in going from $0 to $2 bln in a few years. If in 2017 this company can generate $200 mln in sales and $2 Bln after 5 years, that implies a CAGR of over 25% whihc is likely not linear but rather higher in the initial years. The stock is likely to be priced on a multiple of sales initially.

And that is before we talk other markets....

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