Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Padmasree Warrior On Her Move To NextEv

To me it seems the couple is sharing a common vision how to spend their next years. It is not all about money, they want to chenge the world. There are established markets with big players, so both have to shift paradigms.

But I can see some differences:

For NextEV I can see one player which already is shifting paradigms: Tesla did already do a good job, NextEV is following. Google and possibly Apple also plant to play in this game.

If they want to enter this market with an own product (a car), they will need huge investments. This means idle capacities at the beginning. (Teslas approach of scale up is the gold standard here, nut they know that it takes time to earn profits!).

On the other hand it seems NextEV is the backing of multi-billion investors - at the moment.

But I can not see - for the moment, significant IP, so what can NextEV do much different?

I can see that the other established players are investing in new technologies, new approaches for the move to electromobility.

So now let us compare this with our POET. Hmmm..., Is Mr. Warrior betting on the better horse?

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