Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Legacy Stock

Hi Everyone, Its been a little while since I posted as my "End of the Year, Beginning of the Next", Day-Job has had my available time compressed. My investment here is a large part of my business endeavours. Some of the recent posts got my attention and I feel compelled to respond with my opinion on the matter. This will be simple: If you wish to sell when the sp hits the $3. $5. or other threshold you've projected, please sell and move on. I wish you the best. Please don't try to start a movment to popularize POET Management to sell the company. This has been suggested by some here recently, to sell the company to some sort of a bidder, maybe in the $3. - $5. range. or perhaps more. I believe $10. or $20. per share is a joke. I believe our core management group of leaders, including Ajit, understand POET's Technology's intrinisc value. I'd like to hear their presentation to the management team they're building that convinced them to leave not just their prestigious high paying jobs but the prestigious highpaying careers they held at other firms and come onboard with POET. I guess we will get buy-out offers as we get hard numbers for performance and energy savings, and sales with our first products. I think our presentations to "Platinium Investors" was brilliant to get folks familiar with our technology and stay within semi-stealth mode. I think it is easy to buy into the bid (if you have the capital) and keep the sp down until we have working prototypes, sales, and possibly partners. After we cross that threshold things could get pretty exciting around here. Even in a lousy market, or perhaps expecially in one, people will need a safe place to park their retirement funds and investments. Once derisked, POET would be the place to put it. If we didn't have the stellar management team I wouldn't be able to say all that. We do have a superlative management team. Lets grow this company. I want to be able to hand this stock down to my Family for generations to come. As you can tell these are my opinions. Also, Thank you FJ for those last two cool and informative videos. I think there will be an educational part needed for the non-techies investors who will be coming our way. We would be doing them a great service by educating them on what we're doing. All the Best! BT

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