Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: monolithic integration accomplished

Great News today. Poet Tech might be Pandoras box. Optoelectronic Integration might change the world.

For the Tecchies Nerds and Believers out there. page 1210-1213



...A wide variety of functions, such as frequency tuning, am-

plification, and filtering, can be integrated along with SELs by

stacking. Another possible way of moduling is to use the micro-

optical bench concept [76] to ease the assembling of compo-

nents without precise alignment, as shown in Fig. 14. More-

over, a 2-D parallel optical-logic system can deal with a large

amount of image information with high speed. To this demand,

an SEL will be a key device. Optical neural chips have been

investigated for the purpose of making optical neurocomputers

and vertical to surface transmission electro-photonic (VSTEP)
integrated device [77].
High power capabilities from VCSELs are very interesting
because they feature largely extending 2-D arrays. For the pur-
pose of realizing coherent arrays, a coherent coupling of these
arrayed lasers has been tried by using a Talbot cavity and con-
sidering phase compensation. It is pointed out that 2-D arrays
are more suitable to make a coherent array than a linear config-
uration since we can take the advantage of 2-D symmetry. The
research activity is now forwarded to monolithic integration of
VCSELs, taking the advantage of small-cavity dimensions. A
densely packed array has also been demonstrated for the pur-
pose of making high-power lasers and coherent arrays.
Also, there are now attempts to integrate surface-operating
photonic elements using quantum wells, such as an optical
switch, frequency tuner, optical filter, and super-lattice func-
tional devices. Monolithic lenses can be formed on VCSELs
by an etching process to narrow the beam divergence [78]....

.....Vertical optical interconnects of LSI chips and circuit boards

and multiple fiber systems may be the most interesting field re-

lated to VCSELs. From this point of view, the device should

be as small as possible. The future process technology for it, in-

cluding epitaxy and etching, will drastically change the situation

of VCSELs. Some optical technologies are already introduced

in various subsystems and, in addition, the arrayed microoptic

technology would be very helpful for advanced systems.

The most promising application will be gigabit LANs. GaAs

VCSELs emitting 850 nm of standardized wavelength are

mass produced for

1–Gb/s LAN and simple optical links.

For high-end systems, 1300–1550-nm devices are requested.

By using VCSEL and micromachining technology, we demon-

strated a temperature-insensitive surface normal Fabry–Perot

filter for add–drop filtering in WDM. To establish an appro-

priate module technology utilizing VCSELs, an MOB has been

investigated together with planar microlens array. Related to

planar microlens array application and ultra-parallel informa-

tion processing, an image recognition system is investigated

using synthetic discriminant function (SDF) filtering.

In summary, the ultra-parallel optoelectronics based upon ar-

rayed devices, including VCSELs, will open up a new era for

the 2000 millennium

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