The timing of all this is very interesting. If Siphotonics is offering this Silicon based conversion from electronics to photonics, so is Intel. This article come to me on Friday and I forwarded it to my IT guy and my son, (has the masters is optics). Intel project started ten years ago and they use silicon for the main chip and Aluminum Phosphide semiconductor for the laser producer. Intel's product couldn't be monolithic and is, IMO, inferior to POET Technology. Intel will require alighning the light pulses to the silicon chip, and therefore requires additional steps in manufacturing, no matter how they package it. Even if they enclose the two parts into one package to appear to be monolithic. My note accompaning my forwarded email to those guys said: "Even though started ten years ago, Intel is late to the Dance". They started with the assumption Silicon would do the job best, but "the power of POET" illustrates that there is a better way. Intel might seem formitable but I think our customers for data centers are experts in the field and will check into the true attributes of both, objectivley, before they sign a purchase agreement. As previously stated, next two weeks will be interesting/exciting. Hope the link works. If not it is from Seeking Alpha, Dated Friday 1/29/16 Titled "Intel Optics Closes the Door into the Server Market". Pretty provacative title. This is a huge market that needs to be addressed, as Intel acknowledges. After all the great DD here, it looks like to me like POET has the inside lane. If the link below doesn't work I appoligize, but you might want to check it out. Interesting and profitable times for POET IMO. GLTA Bt
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