I stand corrected. ......
"We start tomorrow's new quarter with a significantly strengthened balance sheet - with $20.5 million in cash, with only small operational liabilities," said Executive Co-Chairman Peter Copetti in an operations update for investors. "We expect these funds to provide about eight quarters of development runway, beyond the point of demonstrating working prototypes within the next year," added Executive Co-Chairman Ajit Manocha.
I also wonder how they could accomplish all they did since last Sept. on $2,5 million. Moving the lab, buying new equipment, running around all over the world setting up promotiolal meetings, lab contracts , 6 inch discs, testing, fabricating, paying for normal expensives of a any business. I know little about most of this stuff but I do know these things cost a lot of money and when talking about such things $2.5 million over 5 months for what they have accomplished is only a spit in the old proverbial bucket.