Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: BmRB, Mazan, Eileen, Fair, Rainier, and other stalwarts here
There has been some good food for thought here today. To the above posters I say thank you again for sharing your thoughts and understanding about this stock. My initial position on this stock was way back when it was Opel. I found this agoracom board prior to Empire club. I am not ashamed to say that the above posters have influenced my understanding of this stock, the technology, Dr. Taylor, management, marketing, business dealings, stock trading and so on. For me, your postings here have helped me decide what is best for me with this investment. There is risk to everything. Each person has to decide for themselves what their own risk tolerance is, And then they need to put on their BIG BOY PANTS and DEAL WITH IT. We cannot make others here responsible for our own decisions and the outcome of our own investment decisions. With that said, to the above posters here, if you need a break from this board by all means take one, but not permanently. Please consider coming back to weigh in and check in now and again. There are many many posters such as myself that look forward to your posts here. I think there have been some good things that have come from this board, genuine friendship being one of them. Also, let's stick together against these naysayers. No good to longs can come from a divide and conquer strategy for those that want our shares. And that is one realistic possibility here right now. Hope to meet you at the AGM. Lastly, there has been some talk of a club here with folks. I think the real club here is not tied to a specific price of the stock, but to a shared past history of stock ownership and a shared story of this company and it's development. We are like Students here, of the same school. And some of us are in the same class. And some of you are set to be a part of its first graduating class! MOST SINCERELY! Good luck to all longs!
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