Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Cool it

no disrespect Mr Bunker

I posted this on mar 09/16

Guys and gals did you hear in the last 2 CCs that Suresh and the rest of our team said we have enough cash for 7 to 8 quarters, that would put PTK well into 2017. They have told us that they believe revenue will come in 2016. If you believe them there is no problem here. Nas listing will come when it is time, and IMHO there will be NO RS. I know we all want the share price higher, but with all the cheap shares and options issued, we had a big over hang, I believe in the very near future, that over hang will be gone and when we get a substancial NR the share price will be going up in $$ instead of pennies.

disrupt it and they will come

later griz

Since then we had the april 04/NR that was not understood by most until Sir Rainer explaned it so well with words and pictures. The average bear who does not have the advantage of this awesome board with all its Grounded posters did not get it ...YET.

Now we have a NR and a halt that has lasted 3 days IMHO the bottom line of the post has a very good posibility of comming to frution no pun intended. So if this is too rich for some too bad, dream big or not. You paid for a ring side seat to watch history in the making so ENJOY.

disrupt it and they will come

later griz

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