Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The market will warm up to this

I have to admit I got caught up in the speculations put forward and I thought the announcement was going to be about something different. I know I'm in the majority in this regard.

Acknowledging that, I think this is an amazing development that the market will only understand after a period of time. Being caught off guard is never good for the stock. I've been imagining how this announcement may have been received sans halt. I feel like the result would have been explosive. What we needed was less time to speculate. Indeed the longer the halt, the more we expected in terms of a delivery from the drudgery of our ordinary portfolios.


Pretty soon we will have to price our current management team into our SP in a way that the market hasn't done in the past. GLOBAL REACH is being wielded here on behalf of a company trading on a seriously garbage exchange. Suresh and Co. are deftly steering around potholes (e.g., Anadigics) and navigating a terrain with multiple routes towards a successful entry into a marketplace with POET inside anything and (possibly) everything. So far, management has been doing an expert job choosing the most efficient route. In fact, I think the driving analogy breaks down when you consider that we appear to be taking multiple routes simultaneously.

What's been done today is something that would have been criticised as fanciful wish thinking only months ago. And this is on top of, not instead of the future developments that we've got tentatively marked on our calendars. How can this news subtract from our expectations for success!?


Anyway, VCSEL results are forthcoming. We have the possibility for "opportunistic licensing" for the detector as Suresh put it in the last CC. These are indicated in the quote from today's release:

"While DenseLight is a strategic acquisition, the Company is also engaged in advanced stages of other avenues that it expects will accelerate the path to revenue over the next 12 months and further POET’s monetization strategy."

GLTA and stay strong. The dreams you dreamt last night are alive and well!

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