Metabill: I am not a securities lawyer, but controling the price of a publicly traded stock sounds illegal to me. Plus, I don't think SV would have said "it's up and to the right from here" if they were planning to control the price at around a dollar.
I think management has made it clear that at this time they don't bother about things like exchange listings, reverse splits, share price control and the like.
When Suresh says "up and to the right" he clearly doesn't mean the share price. He is talking about what he is focused on and that is business execution.The share price is following success or failure of the business, not vice versa.
So, if business execution will be successful, the share price will ultimately follow. If the business goes up and to the right, so will the share price. But even a road that is leading up and to the right might well lead through high valleys and might be full of potholes.