Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Do you trust POET's current Management??


This management team just bought two companies with paper money and you want to deny them a request they are asking??

No disrespect and IMHO

Lets get this right Trini49 these companies were bought with stock issued from treasury NOT OPIONS. BIG DIFFRENCE

Poet has a large enough OPTION POOL and unless they can tell me why they need more options I will be voting NO

This option issue is NOT a slam against our NEW TEAM, if not for the new team I would have cut my losses and left, but BECAUSE of the new team I have increased my holdings and averaged down this past year. Still in the red but not worried in the least.

Of course I trust our NEW TEAM that is why I spent more than some have in this stock on going to the THM to look them in the eyes and listen to them. I have NO Problem with the company time lines or the TECH.

I have issues with the amount of CHEAP options that were given out like candy and caused hugh dilution with no benfit to the stock, BY the OLD TEAM.

AND if you need to attract new people to the team if the POET PLATFORM is as DISRUPTIVE as they say it is, and i think it is, you dont need to give a guy a million options, they should be clamering to join the team for less options.

IF our new team can justify WHY , I will change my mind and a few million other votes will change thier mind also.

disrupt it and they will come

later griz

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