Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Intel’s Laser Chips Could Make Data Centers Run Better

Quantum X. With all due respect the existing management are very qualified and have done this before. They have established roadmaps, they have been accountable in leadership roles within the industry. In their previous lives they were in charge.

Was Moore’s law a mystery? That was a road map. Now it is POETs turn to follow the roadmap established by very qualified people. So you either have a belief that the existing team running the company have established their commercialization plan based on their collective experience and their knowledge of what POETs capabilities are or you do not.

To talk of previous disappointment to not meet targets by the people who did not have the capacity to see it through is living in the past. I prefer to recognize the accomplishments and the capability of those running the company now and consider their wisdom to make predictable forecasts of the POET roadmap. I don't consider the direction they have given us to be mystery. They have laid out very realistic expectations based on knowledge.

But your sentiment is acknowledged in though I believe it to be without merit.

With all due respect FJ, I think what we have here is either an "assumption" or perhaps "mystery-mode" as I was chastised about by? Oh state....oh I'm sorry, but you were saying: ""Unfortunately Disco I can't really comment on where that info originated from. But my understanding is the deal was facilitated at such good terms as a result of Subhash that he was awarded options as a result. It cost them a fraction of what was being offered outside of Singapore. 250k options awarded to Subhash...well spent. Sorry I can't be more definitive in my response""


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