Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: AGM
Well written, good points. I believe options should be a reward tied to results, or to attract talent that is as good or greater than the talent assembled currently. This is such a sore issue for me because I'm very underwater and seeing options handed out well below my share avg, is hard to stomach. If we were sitting at a sustained 2$ SP I'd feel better but still not great. Hand out those options when people who join the company or existing management actually complete milestones or deals that have sustained increase in the SP because they were instrumental in the process. I'm not negitive on the POET platform or the direction management is going in regard to market penetration. It's great. We as shareholders own this company and management work for us. Management should be rewarded, but what about the shareholders, the owners of this company. Why do we have to go without and always be pinched. Thank you to everyone who spent the money and time to attend the AGM and ask questions about our investment.
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