Ajit Monacha's ability to attract talent like Suresh Venkatesan and Subhash Deshmukh to work for PTI clearly has deeper implications as it is reasonable to presume that they are the three he mentions in his M2I interview.
Their common nationality was no doubt a factor in their recruitment to PTI. Clearly understandable is their desire to benefit their mother country and where that motivation runs parallel to PTI interests the benefits of their joint personable aims are comendable and beneficial to PTI.
What then are the possibilities that the Indian Government finance is the resource behind POET'S future development and expansion? AM is indeed a most interesting fellow I like his mind and the breadth of his ideas as a fab man. But what really is Fabman's long term objectives to steer the good ship PTI towards? Organic growth or outright sale
H mmm? 'out out dammed dots'