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Message: Noble Mineral Exploration update on Technology Business Evaluation

Noble Mineral Exploration Updates Progress in Mineral Exploration Assets and Technology Business Evaluation - The

09-Aug-2016 09:00:28 AM


TORONTO, ONTARIO /TheNewswire/ August 9, 2016 -Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. (the"Company" or "Noble") (TSX-V: NOB) is pleased toannounce that it has recently carried out a geophysical interpretationof the airborne anomalies on the Company's Project 81 mineral rightsand is continuing its ongoing evaluation of new technology-basedopportunities in the consumer space.

MineralExploration Prospects, Project 81

In order to move the Company'smineral projects forward, the Company has recently completed anupdated prioritization of the geophysical targets on its mainproperty, Project 81 in the Timmins-Cochrane area. A new SlidePresentation incorporating this information has been posted to theCompany's website which we would encourage you toreview. A number of strong drill ready VMS and gold targets have beenidentified. In addition the Company intends to carry out a proprietaryairborne test gravity gradiometer survey over the entire Project 81claim block by the end of the year. If the survey identifies a gravityanomaly associated with an EM hi/Mag low geophysical anomaly, it wouldindicate a signature similar to the nearby Kidd Creek mine currentlycelebrating its 50thanniversary.

With better junior resourcefinancial markets at hand, it is contemplated that the Company couldpackage its mineral assets into two distinct vehicles with one focusedon its gold-related exploration assets and the other on its basemetals, VMS and nickel assets. The gold related assets would includethose identified in Project 81 in Lucas, Aubin and Dargavel townshipstogether with its Wawa-Holdsworth gold oxide sand project.

It is intended that the shareholders of Noble would be provided theopportunity to participate in both. Please note that any suchtransactions would be subject to Board and TSX Venture Exchangeapprovals.

High Technology Opportunities

Following a preliminary survey and initialapproaches to a number of privately-held firms in the Internet ofThings space, Noble has advanced to in-depth discussions with severalfirms, including the signing of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) wherewarranted, and an analysis of current business plans and theircompatibility with potential initiatives in optical wirelesscommunications (OWC) type applications in the Internet of Things(IOT).

IOT refers to the use of embedded sensors,transceivers, and other devices to network objects; the status of suchobjects may be used to optimize products, services, and operations incommercial applications. OWC is one of several high-speed short-rangecommunications options being evaluated as ventures in which Noblemight seek to become active, and includes visible light communicationand free space optics.

This initiative continues to be led by Dr.Samuel Peralta and the framework of Dr. Peralta's recommendations tothe Board is modelled after the pivot of Tandem Resources Ltd. intoPOET Technologies Inc. ("POET") through the acquisition ofOPEL Inc. Initially a photovoltaics company, POET further pivoted intoa company providing advanced monolithic optoelectronic platformsolutions and, fuelled by recent acquisitions, into a semiconductordevice manufacturer with operations in Canada, the US, Europe andAsia. Dr. Peralta was a founding Board member of POET, and was a keyfigure in both of its pivots.

It should be noted that the Company hasneither entered into the technology space nor concluded businessarrangements with the privately-held IOT companies signed under NDAswith Noble. Noble activities in this space remain at an investigativestage, and it is the Company's intention not to disclose specificdevelopments with respect to its progress in this space, unless anduntil the Board has approved a course of action. An entry into thetechnology sector will be subject to regulatory compliance, includingshareholder approval.

About Noble Mineral Exploration Inc.:

Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. is aCanadian based junior exploration company holding in excess of 70,641hectares of mineral rights in the Timmins - Cochrane areas of NorthernOntario. The Company also holds a portfolio of diversified explorationprojects at various stages of exploration Gold in the Wawa area ofNorthern Ontario, and Uranium in Northern Saskatchewan. More detailedinformation is available on the website at

Cautionary Statement:

Neither TSX VentureExchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is definedin the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibilityfor the adequacy or accuracy of this release.No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatoryauthority has approved or disapproved the information containedherein.

The foregoing information maycontain forward-looking statements relating to the future performanceof Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. Forward-looking statements,specifically those concerning future performance, are subject tocertain risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differmaterially from the Company's plans and expectations. These plans,expectations, risks and uncertainties are detailed herein and from time to time in the filings madeby the Company with the TSX Venture Exchange and securitiesregulators. Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. does not assume anyobligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whetheras a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


H. Vance White, President

Phone: 416-214-2250

Fax: 416-367-1954


Investor Relations


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