Well, we've had one long take off recently. Here is why I am hanging in.
- everyone in the tech sector is talking about the need for the next generation technology
- integrated photonics appears to be the solution
- ongoing discussions and NDA’s
- Dr. Taylor saw the limits of silicon years before most others
- only laser integration needed to tackle massive AOC market, with transistors and detector milestones met
- visited the lab at UConn twice and saw/heard the enthusiasm. Saw them waiting on results from N & P channels, and then read the success announced shortly after. Also saw them working on quantum dots long before anything was announced publicly
- current management team above reproach, with solid industry expertise and reputation
- UConn (stock only), Denselight (cash and stock), and BB(stock only) deals take shares
- best-in-class performance of detector
- validation of process transfer to scalable production environment
- tie-ins with other solid firms - Wavetek, A-Star, EpiWorks
- solid balance sheet with revenues forthcoming
- prototypes and new products expected within months
- I believe there is huge upside to this little company
- not sure where else I would find this kind of opportunity
- met Rainer, FJ, and others that I really like
- been here for 8 years and not leaving now
I'm sorry, but tell me why you are still invested.