where did you come up with 150-200 employees (Poet Subsidaries)?
from the THM.....
01:14:15 – Q: Talking about the combined staff count. If I understand correctly you have 35 staff with DenseLight, I assume you’ve got 10 in POET, so you have 45. Could you give us a brief insight into BB Photonics as to whether Jerry and his crew is five or ten folks, if we can get an idea as to total staff count if it all comes together.
01:14:33 – Suresh Venkatesan: BB Photonics will come with less than five people, so it’s mostly an IP play and a talent play with the top management. So, yeah, you’ve got the count more or less right. So less than five in BB Photonics, 35ish in Denselight, and about ten in POET.