Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Conference call tomorrow

Can you wait for this:

Fellow shareholders, it's time that we leveled with you. We really don't know wtf we're doing. First, Geoff Taylor leaves. Well, we tried to act cool, like "whatever, no problem." At that point, we were left with taking advice, counsel and direction from the Agoracom message board, but when Oogee and Rob stopped posting, well, FJ just couldn't carry the load by himself, but we do have some nice plans and specs for a small power plant.

We felt we could no longer carry on the charade. I want you to know, I was actually in charge of human resources at Global Foundries - so at least I'll know how to fire Subhash, then myself. Subhash... well, he was in charge of food services at Applied Materials. That's right, the only silicon-like material Subhash ever applied was PAM to to frying pans.

Do not despair, though, we're bringing Peter back to run the show. He assures us that we'll be on the NASDAQ before Christmas, as he thinks he's figured out what's taking so long with the VCSEL!! Subhash and I would resign, but we're going to have options, really, really cheap ones, issued to us pretty soon, so we can't leave quite yet.

It's been our honor to have served you, our generally loyal, though sometimes mercurial shareholders. But, really, what were you guys thinking, that a little Canadian company was going to blow the doors off Silicon Valley? We'll be sure to contact you when we establish our next venture. Thank you and have a pleasant day.

The above is tongue in cheek, just in case anyone isn't sure!!!!

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