I will hold my shares because I think today will be a quick drop to the buy in price but I think we could bounce back to .50 again soon. Selling now to try and catch the bottom could leave you wanting to get back in at a higher price. If the banks want in at .36 cents they know they can flip it pretty quick. Yes FLIP it. There is no long term investment here anymore not for us anyway this dilution will quickly turn into a RS to completely wipe us out. For now follow the money, they will push this back to .50 or higher and with a clear head I will make the call to keep invested or get out but I won’t sell below .50.
And maybe there is more to the story, and maybe, this is something bigger than anyone can realize at this time. Knowing the banks will get us back to .50 or higher will give me time to understand what is happening.
If this was only about raising money because they were desperate they wouldn’t block Mazan and they wouldn’t care if it was Canadian money or USD. There has to be more to the story.
Someone once posted “Hope is not a strategy” and I think that’s good advice, I will try to be like Rainer and make a decision on the facts once we know more.
Good luck all.