Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A retail shareholders tale

What just happened I asked myself ?

Oct. 12 ...Poet Announces public offering for common stock

"What?" I say to myself as I read in disbelief. "Weren't we told not to long ago this company was financially in pretty good shape. Wait a minute something not right here. I didn't see any share price in the offering either. I must have made a mistake . It happens all the time to me at this age. I'll check again. Nope, definitely not there. "God damn," I say to myself " that crowd at Poet make more mistakes than a kindergarten class. Oh well they'll see their mistake and correct it shortly"

But they didn't ...because there was no mistake and it went down hill from there. From unbelievably stupid to the moron stupid of $.36/ share and $.52 warrants.

Right after that announcement on Oct 12 we knew our little ship Poet would be heading into a bit of nasty weather. At that time we had no idea that the bad weather to come would be a class 5 hurricane. But wait! Someone knew. Maybe more knew what was happening than we realize.They had too because they started selling her down.

Oh ya, we thought then, they'll drive this down so they can get a better deal.

So it was no time and they had us guessing a deal in the low $.60's and we got our minds wrapped around that.

But wait again there's gonna be another week or two before they set the price and maybe it'll get driven down another few cents.

"No, not goanna happen" some said. "We were already at a bargain basement price at $.74 before this started

Worst case scenario share price $.60 warrants maybe $.75 and they're giving it away cheap even then."

Were we ever in for a surprise. They kept selling it down and down and then down some more right down to $.46 I think, and humongous volume even at this price.

What the hell is happening we wondered. The Vscel and/or whatever must have failed.

All kinds of thoughts, all kinds of questions????? But we knew ,or thought we knew we had a bottom and we tried to wrap our minds around this a second time. Our management team knew what they were doing and wouldn't give away the warrants even if they signed away shares at 50 cents.

WRONG, so unbelievably wrong. (I sounnd like Donald Trump)

When trading stopped on Thursday Oct, 27th we would find out how unbelievably wrong we would be ........$C.36 and $C.52 ????

"Must be a mistake. Had to be a mistake. The Canadian dollars were really American dollars.

After all they were selling to the American market.

No mistake , price confirmed in Canadian dollars .....and A hush fell on the crowd.

Dreams and hopes of so many innocent (in hind sight naive) investors gone down the drain, some worst than others , like the sinking Titanic, some were rescued not unscathed but saved .Others went down with the ship.

But there were "some" that knew what was happening and knew exactly what was happening. They were selling even into the last minute of that fateful trading day, millions and millions of shares sold. We can only guess and surmise what happened . We know whoever got the deal of shares at $.36 with warrants $.52 got a great deal.,

I guess I wish I was one of them but i wouldn't want it dishonestly. But I suspect most here were like myself, trusting in the company and believing that they would never stab us in the back. After all we owned and supported this company for years. Nobody could do that to us, the faithful.......Wrong....

As I said before I still believe in the company's prospects. I'll hold onto my shares until I can break even or even make money if what they have told us about their eventual products is true.

I can absorb the loss and wait without to much serious damage. Not saying I agree with anything that was done here no matter what the explanation. It was nothing short of criminal in my mind . But I'm sure many here cannot hold on and here in lies the sadness of this deed that was made with the devil(s).

If I was a religious man I'd take comfort that their is a place in hell for the people who helped cause so much misery for so many here who may have even put their lives savings into Poet and may not be able to hold on or even recover. The really sad part of this is, is that it happens all the time in the market and more especially on the Venture and regulators and government just turn a blind eye.

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