Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: What I Read and What I Expect

What I Read

What I read from yesterday's message is that on the PTK side there are delays that have been caused by long wait times in receipt of wafers. This was not disclosed to Shareholders prior. What upsets me is the fact that they likely knew this would delay things some time ago yet at the AGM we were talking weeks not months (someone please correct me if I am misspeaking). Short-term focus now shifts to DenseLight sales. Should not discount possibility for future PO; hoping this is done under much better terms IF needed. However, they now have ~16-17M in the bank + Singapore + possibly more should stock price recover and warrants exercise (so we are in good shape depending on cash burn).

What I Expect and Hope for

i) For communication to improve between PTK and shareholders

ii) That NO options be granted to management at current prices (if they want options today they should be issued with a strike price of AT LEAST 70+ cents) - exception NEW CFO at 0.64$

iii) That we see progress on the DenseLight sales front

iv) Possible good news from PTK Laser

v) VCSEL completion at the latest in Q1’17 (this along with sales from DenseLight will prove the inflection point)

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